A country I would like to visit : Madagascar

Madagascar is an island country popularly known for being part of the mega diverse countries of the world thanks to its biodiversity. Madagascar is located in East Africa. 

Madagascar is a country very nice, I will like in this island because will know the perfect ecosystem. After work hard in my live I want live in paradise and Madagascar is that. 
This country located in Africa and this fact make me think but is conuntry dangerous but always is good I have adventure. 
Madagascar is an amazing place to visit, in this place we will find amazing animals, a rain forest, desert, hiking and diving. Madagascar is ideal for those who enjoy nature. The characteristic animal is the lemur, but there are millions of wonderful creatures. In this same way there are spectacular trees and plants.

The only bad thing about Madagascar is the cost. First of all we must take into account that it is located in Africa and that it is an island, also because of its geography to reach the whole island must be done by road and even to reach some resorts you would need a private plane or boat. 

It is certainly worth traveling to the east, where you will find leafy rainforests full of jumping lemurs and birdsong in the Andasibe-Mantadia National Park. In the park, near Indri-Indris, are some of the largest lemurs of Madagascar.

You already know, Madagascar is an incredible destination, this review only expresses in a general way what you can find. I invite you to discover the wonders and culture that this island hides!!!



  1. Oh, I love the movie, but Alex is not here!!! what is your problem?!?!?

  2. Ohh Madagascar sounds very good, i hope go someday

  3. Madagascar it must be a nice country with biodiversity , I like your choose

  4. Haha, love the movie and the beautiful animals that has the island!


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