Is Obesity a Disease?

The question "Is Obesity a Disease?" it is  really easy to answer.  

"Obesity is a chronic disease that appears when there is an excess of adipose tissue (fat) in the body. Expert warn that its most negative effects occur because it acts as an agent that accentuates and aggravates in the short term and in a very obvious way serious pathology." (Cuídate-Plus,2018).
Resultado de imagen para gif obesidadSince many years it is know that this phenomenon is real and harmful for the people. "Hipócrates described that sudden death is more frequent in those individuals who are naturally fat, than in thin people." (Revista Chilena de Pediatría,2007). 

Generally the obesity is  cause for the bad food, lack of exercise, but also is to generate  because of  the genetic factors. As well the obesity is can for the socioeconomic factors. It is also possible to mention psychological factors, due to the strong prejudices and the anxiety that they can generate in a person.

For me the obesity is a disease because to affect the  style of life of a person, prevents you make activity calmly and affect  the health and can produce diseases that without this pathology, they would not be present in your body. Really recommend  do not fall into the obesity disease because maybe really difficult get out of it and you can suffer a lot for the people that Who doesn't care about the feelings of others. 

                                                            Resultado de imagen para gif bye


Cuídate- Plus. (2018). Obesidad

Revista Chilena de Pediatría. (2007). ¿Porqué la obesidad es una enfermedad?. 


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