Post graduate studies

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Hello, today I will talk about for the post graduate studies  I will like making in the future. The name of I will like making  post graduate studies is Magister in Government and Public Management in the Instituto de Asuntos Públicos of the Universidad de Chile. This program is accredited for five years since 2017 until 2022. This post graduate studies I like  because the vision of the postgrate is to form leaders for the management of the public sector, that promote the processes of modernization of the public management, to make of the public apparatus a fundamental actor in the democratic process of our country.

The graduate for this program will can formed as  a senior public manager. They will also have a clear understanding of the ends of the state and of the public service as a fundamental entity for the pursuit of the common good and economic and social development, and a commitment to the values of public ethics, such as probity, fairness , justice, humanism and a deep respect for the rights of citizens.

This post graduate studies will bring me very good possibilitys in the job and in my life. 

After with the time I will like realized a second the post graduate studies but this occasion  of  Design, evaluation and management of projects of public interest because would complement in a good way what I want to do in my job.

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