Changes to my study Program

Today I am writing  the last post. I want to tell for my experience in this semester. This semester has been very dificult for my. I think must be for strees and maybe for the irresponsibility, for example I have a class where I have to read constantly  and I do it rarely. 
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In order to solve this problem I have to estuding more and I have to organized my month since strarted. I think  workload and length of studies and the class is excessive. I don´t have time for relaxed and I want jaja:(. Besides the space for university in this momement is very toxic, this united a workload is horrible. 

And as if that were not enough the Faculty facilities is defective, is little, is ugly jaja, I am not live this building. Although, it's better than nothing, we can not complain so much because there are people who are worse. Is very sad jaj. As to technology, the university is very basic but there are good things. All I ask is the elevador because I hate stairs. 

The Teaching methods are very difficult to change because exist, something that in Spanish is said, "libertad de catedra", what gives the teacher freedom to teach as he wants and what he wants. 

To finish, I want to thank you for reading each of my blogs. I really try to give my best and be sincere. I wish you happiness, dear readers, be patient and constant, muak. 


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  1. OW :( you have to see the positive not just the negative pequeña :( but yea it is very stressfull the current experience of the university


  2. the majority is with university stress, it's horrible


  3. the majority is with university stress, it's horrible


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