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English Language Challenges

Hello, I thought I had already written my last blog but it´s not bad to write one more. Today I will talk about for my experience in english this semester. In the university I learned more about English and its language, that at school. I think I never realized that knowing English is very important.  In the university I learned to use  grammar elements that I didn't understand before. On the other hand, blogs helped me improve the way I write. Also, I learned to use connectors in a better form. Something that would change for the blog are the topics of which we write, I think they are not always interesting and you end up writing for obligation more than with pleasure. Maybe I could say that blogs are fun because you know things you did not know about your  partners´s.  In spite of everything, I still have a lot to learn, I know I have to improve my vocabulary a lot, many times I do not understand things because I do not know as many words as I should, my grammar has i

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